Author: Ben Watson

Press Release

Online Gaming Site Esball Launched Its 24-hour Customer Service Available Via Telegram

Esball, a betting games online platform that provides profits to e-gaming enthusiasts and develop captivating and entertaining games for betting enthusiasts, recently launched its 24-hour customer service. The owners of the online platform said that gamers can get immediate help 24 hours a day, and 365 days a year, through Telegram, a cloud-based instant messaging […]

Press Release

The United Nations Sciences and Technology Organization announced 53 prestigious scholars as the first members of its Academy

The United Nations Sciences and Technology Organization recently announced 53 prestigious scholars as the first members of the Academy of the United Nations Sciences and Technology Organization (AUNSTO). The Academy of the United Nations Sciences and Technology Organization (abbreviated as AUNSTO) is an academic wing to the United Nations Sciences and Technology Organization. The intention […]

Press Release


Owing to the surge in blockchain revolutionary technology, which is disrupting virtually all spheres of human endeavors, including notably pertinent areas such as data and information. Apparently, this brings to fore the applicability of blockchain in resolving issues with a vital attention to communication as expatiated upon by Plugchain. Plugchain is a high-performance public chain […]

Press Release


Uncleblock is the world’s first user-friendly digital asset trading platform. The core team members come from well-known technology companies and financial companies. They are deeply involved in the blockchain technology community and traditional financial industry. ‘uncleblock’ is the nickname derived from community users. uncleblock has successfully created a one-stop trading service for digital assets, which […]

Press Release

OVO, Pioneered the first global standard for digital copyright certification – Dual Copyright Inspection Mechanism (DCIM)

It is reported that OVO (The Only Value Observation) global digital copyright service platform is expected to make its first public appearance on July 3 based on the “dual copyright inspection mechanism” digital copyright service platform, which provide a solid infrastructure for a wide range of creators’ economies. Recently, Japan’s famous two-dimensional character “Nyathees” has […]

Press Release

The first DeFi yield aggregator Klaytn-Turk is officially launched

Project Introduction Turtle King Finance- The first DeFi yield aggregator on Klaytn mainnet is officially launched. Turtle King Finance Official Website: Turtle King Finance, as KLAYswap’s first yield aggregator is inspired by the successful Bunny project on Binance Chain. The Turtle King Finance platform currently supports more than 17 LPs from KLAYswap such as KUSDT-KDAI, KETH-KUSDT, […]

Press Release

Quark Quark Quark is right here !

Slippage 10%,4% adding liquidity pool, 4% bonus of BNB;2% dividend of token Advantages of Quark 1.Active engagement by top bloggers A number of top Twitter bloggers recommend strongly, which directly radiating hundreds of thousands of followers. Chinese and foreign communities continue to enter into the market, and the currency price will be stable and continue to […]