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Press Release

Bitget Launched One Click to Copy Trade on Web

Bitget, a global leading cryptocurrency derivatives exchange, officially launched One Click to Copy Trade on Web, which means Bitget users will be able to do copy trade on web. The multi-port operation mode not only caters for different needs, but it also reflects Bitget’s concept of insisting on user first. In May 2020, Bitget was the first one to launch […]

Press Release

TRON Ecosystem welcomes new member Wok, making it possible to interact between the physical world and the digital world

Today’s world has entered the bottom of the technology cycle, the top of the financial cycle, and the edge of the collapse of the international order. The new crown epidemic has raided us, pierced the global asset bubble, penetrated the oil price, and is breaking the global order, bringing more uncertainty. Humans use the power […]

Press Release

Explore the bitcoin financial platform PlantCoin: The app has gained 4000 global investors in six months since its launch

Bitcoin, as the No.1 wealth maker, has risen 10 million times in more than 10 years, creating countless billionaires. Even so, bitcoin, as the first application of cryptocurrency, is still considered to be the most valuable asset for investment, and it continues to be favored by the world’s top investment institutions. It has shown much […]

Press Release

MGTC – The World’s Leading Exchange Platform

The continuous development of technology has popularized the concept of digital currency among the public in recent years, and 2020 can be considered as the year that digital currencies have made a comeback. The Bank for International Settlement’s recent communiqué shows that as of December 2020, at least 36 official institutions around the world have […]

Press Release

NNEP takes the lead in realizing the Internet of Everything

The emergence of blockchain makes us all feel more convenient for decentralization, while the combination of blockchain and 5G technology is full of wireless imagination.With the rapid development of the global economy, many organizations have been quietly seizing the 5G plateau. The US telecom giant AT&T was the first to independently research a patent for […]

Press Release

VRM delivers big crypto buys with minimal market impact as volumes surge

VRM, a high-frequency trading company, has announced that it is now averaging daily trading volumes of $15 billion to $20 billion as its influence in the crypto market grows. The company trades AI-based quantitative high-frequency strategies on the crypto market, and also provides exchanges with proper market-making solutions. VRM works across major trading platforms including […]

Press Release

On the road to decentralized asset management, how does PIST Trust realize continuous asset appreciation through trustless financial mechanisms?

The Current Dilemma of the GAMI&How Does PIST Trust is the Relief? The asset management industry is undoubtedly one of the fastest growing areas in the global financial service industry; playing an important role in some aspects. i.e optimizing the allocation of financial resources, Improving the efficiency of the financial market, and promoting innovation in […]

Press Release

Wuyishan launches “international freight train”, Fujian adds “The Belt and Road Initiative” international logistics channel

At 10:19 on the 21st, the first Wuyishan “international freight train” departed at the Wuyishan land port. The first train departs from Wuyi Mountain via Khorgos in Xinjiang and arrives at Central Asian ports such as Almaty in Kazakhstan and Tashkent in Uzbekistan. The whole train has 42 cars, whose goods mainly come from northern […]

Press Release

ADS creates the strongest PoS equity proof mechanism

 In 2010, in the early days of Bitcoin’s creation, BM challenged Satoshi Nakamoto and believed that Bitcoin’s consensus mechanism must be changed and proposed improvements.  However, the arrogant Satoshi Nakamoto did not adopt it. After emphasizing the importance and necessity of Bitcoin decentralization, he responded aggressively: If you don’t believe me or don’t get it, […]